Thursday, June 29, 2017


I have been attending Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) because of various reason. One main reason is due to the timing. The English service is every Saturday at 5p.m. and Sunday at 10a.m.

Photo taken from DUMC's website

The first time I visited the church, I was amazed by the crowd of people attended the service. In my church, it is quite common to have an empty chair in between two different groups of people. Over at DUMC, the ushers would make sure that every chair is being occupied.

Another interesting fact is that they call worship service as celebration time. The celebration starts with praise and worship, then followed by church updates, prayers, sermon, and ends with more prayers. They have a team of Pastors that will rotate to speak every week.

If you are keen to know how the sermon is like, you can also go to the website to stream the sermon. I have just watched last week's sermon. It reminds us to:
  1. Find time to stay in tune with God. 
  2. Find a room/place where you can do your quiet time.
  3. Find space to be in tune with the Holy Spirit.
The "formula" to do journaling is very useful as well. First, read a passage. Then, start journaling by using SOAR.

Scripture - Write down one scripture that speaks/appeals strongly to you.
Observation - Observe the context and write down what you observed from the scriptures.
Application - How can you apply what you learnt in your life?
Response - Write down a prayer. By writing, you can remember better.

I have tried it today, so far so good! Do try it out!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cola Chicken

Holiday seems to pass by rather quickly :( 
But its good to meet the kawans today :)

Everyone should have a dish where they can show off of. Today, Rojak-lah will teach you how to a cook delicious dish in three simple steps. The menu of the day is.... *drum rolls* Cola Chicken!

The ingredients that you will need:-

  • 4 chicken wings & 16 small drumlets
  • 1 big onion OR 2 small onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 table spoons of dark soy sauce
  • 3 table spoons of light soy sauce
  • Some spring onions (optional)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 bottle of cola OR 1 can of cola

Cooking in action.....

Step 1: Pour in some coke. Put in chicken wings & drumlets, half of one big onion, three cloves of smashed and sliced garlic, 2 table spoons of dark soy sauce (for darker colour), 3 table spoons of light soy sauce, and a pinch of salt. It will be fine as long as the cola covers the chickens. 

Step 2: Stir the chicken every once a while to avoid it from sticking into your pan. The cooking will take around 45 minutes to an hour depending on how much cola you poured earlier. 

Step 3: When the sauce is drying up, you can add in the remaining half of the onion and spring onion. 

Then, proceed to serve! 

The picture doesn't do justice of the taste. I didn't arrange it nicely for the "photoshoot" because I was too hungry. You can also customize the ingredients accordingly. I decided to put in spring onions this round because there's lack of green in the dish. 

Try out and let me know how's it!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Please Take Care of My Refrigerator (PTCOMR)

I have been addicted to Korean variety shows lately. I used to watch Running Man, but now I am addicted to PTCOMR. Just to warn you, do prepare some snacks when you watch the show as you will feel superrrr hungry!

For those who do not know, PTCOMR is a Korean cooking variety show. In each episode, there will be two guests that bring their own refrigerator. There will be eight chefs, split into two groups to cook for each guest. The highlight is that the chefs have to prepare a dish in 15 minutes solely with the ingredients available in each guest's refrigerator. Hence, they will show a lot of tips of cooking a yummy dish in a very short period.

I just watched episode 60 with Moon Chae Won as the guest. I think she's really cute! I hope they would sub ep 61 as well.

OK, I am super sleepy. Going off to bed. It's a long holiday! Yay! That calls for no-alarm-no-snooze-natural-wake-up-morning.

Selamat Hari Raya to all those who are celebrating :) 

Friday, June 23, 2017


Tick-tock, tick-tock. What's next?

Ladies, especially those who are around 30s, that may be on your mind after 3 - 4 years being in a stable relationship. You feel anxious as your family keep pestering you on getting married. You feel left out when your friends start building their families. You feel annoyed of the aunties that keep asking you on your status. You feel worried of why he has not pop the question.

Here's rojak view of why...

Men always feel that it is too early to get married. They worry about finances. They feel that they do not have enough money for the proposal, wedding, ring, honeymoon, house, renovation, etc. They feel that they are still young. They think you will wait for them.

Hence, ladies, you will need to let them know that you do not need fancy wedding, extravaganza honeymoon, one karat diamond ring, etc, etc. That's if you really don't mind :)

You need to analyse with them. If you get married at the age of 35, get pregnant two years later, give birth to a baby by 38 years old. By the time you are 60 years old, your first child would be 22 years old. Your parents would most likely be around 85 years old. You can do the rest of the calculation if you plan to have more kids or get married later. Would your parents be still around to see their grandchildren? These questions will normally strike them to think and hit them with reality.

Tick-tock, tick tock.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Single to Double

Why am I still single? 

If you are asking that question, perhaps...
  1. you just want to be so.
  2. you haven't find the right person.
I found myself asking the same question five years back. People around me were too occupied with their family and partners. As I am from the other side of the South China Sea, I was always alone and bored in this city. So, when someone finally asked me out, I took the leap of faith and went out with that person. 

It is important to note that when you are assessing others, the other person is also evaluating you. Hence, if you don't want to be alone forever, here are some tips for you. This comes from someone who recently got married :D 

Here you go!
  1. Make yourself vulnerable. Give yourself a chance to go out with someone you don't really know. 
  2. Expand your network or social circle. Go out and meet more people.
  3. Don't judge too quickly. Give the person benefit of doubt. Go out with the person a few times before you make a conclusion.
  4. It is normal to argue or fight in a relationship. If the person doesn't make an effort to say sorry and patch things up, perhaps he/she is not the right one. If it is your fault and you don't bother to do likewise, then perhaps you don't feel that he/she is worth it.
  5. If you are in a relationship for more than three years, nearing the age of marriage, you need to start discussing the future with your other half. Better to communicate earlier than later.
  6. If you are together for more than 5 years and he/she still haven't pop the question, drop some hints. If you are bold and comfortable, ask and find out more.
That's all I can share. Hope this helps!

Monday, June 5, 2017


Why Rojak?


I can't think of a theme to focus on for now.
It's inspired by the kawan.

Hence, the birth of rojak-lah.

Stay tune!